Hegemony or Survival
Saw Ocean's 12 tonight, it was quite enjoyable. I laughed a lot - nice to get out of the Final mind-set even for a few hours. Afterwards, we skipped on over to Chapters - my home away from home - to peruse our little bibliophile hearts out.I recently recommended Hegemony or Survival: America's Quest for Global Dominance by Noam Chomsky to a friend, not having read it myself but having heard a great deal about it and having discussed it in my Feminist Theory course. While waiting for Amy to crawl out of the darkest corner of the store where she seems to enjoy hiding from me everytime we go shopping, I picked it up and started reading. Within 2 pages I had already formed these conclusions:
Darwin's theory of evolution does not apply today, in a Western First World context. Today, being smart and going against the herd ensures the obliteration of our species. Cockroaches are undoubtedly less intelligent than humans, but they are much more effective at procreating. In North America, being smart and going against the dominant ideology and hegemony is a very difficult task in which a great deal of adversity is met. Smart people are procreating less and less. Stupid people procreate like cockroaches - pests that are a plague on our planet. We encounter the need to adhere to hegemony on a daily basis, it's really shocking to think of all the ways in which we unconsciously participate in this system. It's to the point where refusing to be hailed by the dominant ideology results in the inability to function as we would normally like to on a daily basis.
From 2 pages. After Christmas, I am definitely buying that book.
Listening to: Hands Down - Dashboard Confessional
"Stupid people procreate like cockroaches "
notice liberals doing all the fucking...
The stupid people are outbreeding us.
Ironically I was reading something related to this topic just a couple days ago.
Basically, human beings are admirably adapted for a few thousand years ago. Unfortunately the world has changed.
Moved on maybe?
No offense, Anonymous, but birth rates are higher in Red states than in Blue ones, and the quality of education is generally higher in Blue states than in Red ones. That's not to say that stupidity and lack of education are equivalent; stupidity and ignorance aren't equivalent. But I think there's a little bit of a correlation.
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