I got my nose pierced today. Left side, small stud, pink in colour. It didn't really hurt at all, though it's a bit sore now. I got it done at this great place, very clean and professional: Tora Tattoo. The girl who did it was really nice. I had my friend Cassandra come to hold my hand, and Amy cowered in the corner and faced the wall... heh, she hates needles. I lost the damn sheet with the care instructions on it already. Oh well.
I never really understood when people said that piercings are addictive. Well, I do now. I want more... heh.. nothing drastic, though. I think I'm going to get two more in my ears, and then we'll see where it goes from there. They don't use any piercing guns, which I like, and for the ears they use little hoops instead of studs, which I also like. It's a tad expensive for both ears, but I'm going to do it sooner or later. I'd rather pay more for cleanliness and high quality jewelry.
I got a pay stub today from my RA position: 85$. Apparently I've worked 10 hours, which is quite the surprise to me. I think I've had an hour and a half of training, total. But I'm not going to fucking complain, I like money. Money is good. Gimme gimme gimme.
Friday, January 30, 2004
Ambition. Neuroses. Non-Sequiturs. The ramblings of a delightfully anxious graduate student pursuing a life and a PhD.
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