Llamas and Wizards

For Canada Day, I took a wee trip to Calgary to visit my brother Mike and his girlfriend Rose. I also got to visit with my Uncle Bob and Aunt San, who I hadn't seen in about 6-7 years. I had such a great time:
- I got drunk in front of my uncle, aunt, brother, and cousins.
- We went to Edmonton for a day, where I rode a rollercoaster inside the biggest mall in North America.
- We visited the Calgary Zoo, whereupon we saw many amusing, disgusting, cute, pink, and scary animals.
- We shopped.
- We saw a horse jumping competition for the North American cup.
- We drank a lot of beer.
- I bought a NO TOUCHY t-shirt.
This week is rather busy - I'm seeing two shows at the Just For Laughs Comedy Fest. Tomorrow is the O'Comics - an Irish comedy night with 4 Irish comics. I am such the accent whore, I'm terribly excited for that one. Friday night is the Gala, hosted by Dame Edna. That should be a blast, I've never been to one of the big gala nights before.
Wednesday night I'm also going to see Mama Mia - even though I'm not hardcore into ABBA, it should still be somewhat amusing to watch. If not, at least it's a good excuse to wear the Nine West red leather crocodile stilettos!
Presently, it's time for Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. I've been vainly trying to limit myself to a certain amount of pages per day. Obviously, I've forsaken this limit with the same zest of breaking a New Years Resolution. While I was waiting for HP6 to arrive, I cracked open Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand for another re-read. I've forgotten how much that book strikes home with me.
It's those rare books, like HP and Atlas, that speak to us in certain ways and make it difficult to explain to another person. Literature is a deeply personal activity, we all take different things from the very same piece. But alas, that's a post for another time.
And P.S. - llamas are ga-ross!
Listening to: Word Play - Jason Mraz
Hey it sounds like you had a lot of fun. ^_^
You know I am TERRIBLE at reading new books. I have favourites I love to reread- like this Star Trek novel which is just like my safety blanket.
I don't know. It just.... strikes home, like you say.
Llamas are great!
One of my weird goals (that I might not even do anything about, but it's a nice option) is to walk the length of Chile with a pack-llama.
So what's this Harry Potter stuff?
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