I leave for home for 3 weeks on Monday. I can't wait. Sit outside on the deck, in the sun, do some light work. It's very nice to only have one final, compared to the 5 last year it's a damn god-send!
I met with Dr. Teather to discuss the term of my summer research position in her lab. I get to make my own hours and schedule. Basically, I can stroll in around noon, do a few hours of work, and then go home again. heh. YAY for not getting up at 6 am every day again. Granted I'll have a certain amount of work to get done, but I do it at my own pace. It's going to be interesting to adjust to a schedule as loose as this, but it's going to make the summer in Waterloo that much more bearable.
I'm going to look into taking a bartending class in aims of getting a part-time bartending job for thursday, friday, and saturday nights. It's something I've wanted to do for a while, it'll help money wise (good tips :P) and help to pass the time since I'll be here all alone most of the time. I'm also going to join the all-women's fitness center down the street. I've been wanting to take some aerobics classes lately, to get some good exercise in and tone up a little bit. I'm looking forward to it.
yay! Jack Johnson on SNL!
Sunday, April 04, 2004
Ambition. Neuroses. Non-Sequiturs. The ramblings of a delightfully anxious graduate student pursuing a life and a PhD.
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