Thursday, March 18, 2004

Me and Jean-Paul Sartre, we're like this [insert image of two crossed fingers].

Philosophy class today was rather deserted, seeing as it was the day after St-Paddy's Day in a University town. About 1/3 of the class was there, to be precise. The prof, who is an amazingly cool German woman, went up to the board and wrote:
"What do you take to be the meaning of life (if any), particularly your life?"
I knew it was going to get interesting right then. These kinds of discussions can be either good, or very very very bad. Good in the sense that you can have intelligent conversations that make sense, are interesting, and relevant. Sometimes people can surprise you with really fascinating takes on things. On the other hand, people can also surprise you with their stupidity. Case and point: How do we know a house doesn't have a mind? God I wanted to kill that kid. So anyway.

This conversation started out pretty good, people giving basic type answers to this question. The prof then asked about our specific takes on meaning and life. I raised my hand and basically summarized Rand, explaining that for me it's pointless to talk about the meaning of life in reference to the whole Universe. I don't really give a shit what other people see as meaning of life or their life. The only meaning that is relevant to me is my life. Strictly because it is my life and I cannot live any other life. I will live by my standards and live only for myself.

With that, we got into the discussion of higher powers and teleological end-goals of the Universe and evolution. One classmate insisted that no way, no how, there was absolutely no end-goal and meaning to life in general. Someone debated this. I raised my hand and suggested that we have no right to say for sure that it's one way or the other. We have no right to place judgment on other people's evaluations, it's all about individual decision.

So we proceeded into our Intro to Sartre, the class being divided up into groups to discuss certain passages. The point of this entry lays below:

One section of Sartre's writing explains that we have no right to place judgments on other individuals choices and views in regards to faith and the meaning and purpose of life. It's all subjective individual decision.

Sound familiar? Yeah. Me and Sartre - LIKE THIS, I tell you.

Listening to: You're the Ocean - Teitur


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