BYE BYE BRUINS and hellooooooooooo Tampa!!!! Zednik, you are my hero - Theodore too. My muscles are still all knotted from the tension of watching that game, scorless for 2 1/2 periods - whew!!! I honestly don't know if I can handle another series like this one. First time in Habs history that we've come back from being down 3-1 in a playoff. That's a pretty impressive statement in face of the history of our franchise. I'm not as much expecting a win versus Tampa, I'm thankful that we got this far and know not to ask too much. But still... YAY!!!!
Going to look into buying myself a little second hand car for the summer, maybe a Jeep. Maybe I should buy one in Ontario and skip on same of the Queerbec sales tax. Boo-urns for taxes.
Not looking forward to starting to study for stats.. blech, I have almost zero motivation. I'm already in summer-mode, and that's not good. Maybe I'll begin getting myself organized, getting the notes ready, and all that stuff tomorrow afternoon.
Stats = bad -- Habs = GREAT
That's the take home lesson of the day, folks :D
Monday, April 19, 2004
Ambition. Neuroses. Non-Sequiturs. The ramblings of a delightfully anxious graduate student pursuing a life and a PhD.
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